Home /Child Labour policy




Last Update:  4th of May, 2024 

Company Policy on Child Labour for “Admedien limited” referred to as “Admedien” therein    


Protection and Safeguarding of Children  


  1. Purpose:

This policy outlines Admedien 's commitment to the protection and safeguarding of children. We strictly prohibit child labour in all areas of our business operations and across our supply chain. Our goal is to promote the well-being, safety, and rights of children, ensuring that they are protected from exploitation and harmful working conditions.  

  1. Scope:

This policy applies to all employees, contractors, suppliers, and business partners of Admedien, as well as any other entity or individual acting on behalf of the company. It covers all locations and operations where the company conducts business, directly or indirectly, including the entire supply chain.


  1. Policy Statement on Child Labour:

– 3.1 Prohibition of Child Labour:    

  Admedien prohibits the employment of children below the minimum legal working age defined by national laws, or as per international standards where such laws are inadequate, whichever is higher. No child under the age of 18 will be employed for work that could be detrimental to their physical or mental health, education, or development.  

– 3.2 Compliance with International Standards:    

  We are committed to upholding the International Labour Organization (ILO) Convention No. 138 on Minimum Age and ILO Convention No. 182 on the Worst Forms of Child Labor, as well as relevant national laws and regulations. Any business relationships that do not adhere to these standards will be terminated.  

– 3.3 Education and Development Support:    

  Children must be protected and given access to education. Admedien advocates for all children to have the opportunity to receive a quality education. We ensure that children impacted by our operations or supply chains are not deprived of schooling due to economic reasons or forced labour.  

  1. Supply Chain Due Diligence:

– 4.1 Supplier Responsibility:    

  Suppliers, contractors, and business partners must adhere to this policy. Any suppliers found engaging in child labour will be subject to immediate investigation, with non-compliance leading to suspension or termination of the business relationship.  

– 4.2 Monitoring and Auditing:     

  Admedien will actively monitor and conduct audits of our suppliers to ensure that no child labour practices are occurring in any part of our supply chain. We will work with third-party organizations and auditing firms to verify adherence to this policy.  

– 4.3 Corrective Actions:    

  If child labour is found within any part of the supply chain, Admedien will take immediate corrective action. This includes working with the supplier to remove the child from harmful labour, ensure their reintegration into education, and support efforts to prevent future occurrences.  


  1. Reporting Mechanisms:

– 5.1 Reporting Violations:    

  Any employee, contractor, supplier, or third party who becomes aware of a breach of this policy is required to report the violation immediately. Admedien provides a confidential whistleblower mechanism for reporting child labour concerns without fear of retaliation. 

– 5.2 Investigation Process:    

  All reports of suspected child labour will be thoroughly investigated by Admedien's compliance team or an appointed third-party auditor. During investigations, we will ensure that the rights and dignity of the child are protected. 

  1. Employee Responsibilities and Training:

– 6.1 Employee Awareness:    

  All employees and managers will be made aware of this child labour policy and their roles in upholding it. New employees will receive training on this policy during orientation, and existing employees will undergo periodic training to reinforce their responsibilities.  

– 6.2 Child Protection Training:    

  Specific training will be provided to employees working in high-risk areas or with vulnerable communities to recognize, prevent, and respond to any form of child exploitation or harm.  

  1. Partnership and Collaboration:

– 7.1 Community Engagement:    

  Admedien commits to working with governments, non-governmental organizations (NGOs), and local communities to promote children’s rights and combat child labour in regions where we operate.  

– 7.2 Industry Collaboration:    

  We will collaborate with other companies, industry groups, and international organizations to share best practices, raise awareness about child labor, and develop collective strategies to combat this issue globally.  

  1. Protection and Safeguarding of Children:

– 8.1 Zero Tolerance for Exploitation:    

  Admedien is committed to ensuring that children are not exposed to violence, exploitation, or abuse in any context, whether within our operations or those of our partners. This includes but is not limited to exploitation in labor, trafficking, sexual abuse, or harmful traditional practices.  

– 8.2 Child Welfare in Business Operations:    

  We will take all necessary measures to ensure that children’s rights are protected in any community where we operate. Our employees are expected to adhere to child protection guidelines and avoid any interactions that could cause harm to children.  

– 8.3 Child Safeguarding Measures:    

  Admedien will actively work to safeguard children from any harm, ensuring that our facilities, activities, and operations do not endanger their physical, mental, or emotional well-being.  

  1. Accountability and Consequences

– 9.1 Enforcement:    

  Admedien will enforce this policy rigorously. Any employee or business partner found to be violating this policy will face disciplinary actions, including termination of employment or contracts, legal consequences, and other corrective measures as necessary.  

– 9.2 Continuous Improvement:    

  Admedien will regularly review and update this policy to reflect changes in national and international laws, child protection standards, and emerging best practices. We are committed to the continuous improvement of our child labour prevention efforts.  


  1. Conclusion:

Admedien is committed to a world where children are free from exploitation and can grow in a safe, supportive environment. By strictly prohibiting child labor and ensuring the highest standards of child protection, we affirm our responsibility to safeguard the rights and well-being of children in all our business activities and relationships.If you have questions about the privacy aspects of our Sites or Services, please contact us at support@Admedien.com. This Privacy Policy is current as of the Effective Date set forth above. 

We may update this policy from time to time, so please be sure to check back periodically. We will post any changes to this Child labour Policy on our Sites. 


Approved by:    

Toluwalope Falusi – CEO     


Effective Date: [4.5.2024]    

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SW19 2RR.

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Info: admin@admedien.net

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Phone: +234 7039623376

Info: admin@admedien.net

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